Project audit and donor support service

We aim to provide consistent top quality and efficiently co-ordinated multidisciplinary professional services to concerned international and local entities.

Support from the developed world is likely to remain critical to the Tanzania's economic, social and political development for the foreseeable future. This support primarily takes the form of direct aid (grant funds and goods and services) as well as concessionary loans from governments and financial institutions. Management of funded activities is either through host governments or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Our mission is to provide top quality technical expertise and manpower in support of interventions by International Lending Agencies, international donor agencies and local and international project implementing entities to realise social, economic and political development in our territory. We aim to achieve this by providing consistent top quality and efficiently co-ordinated multidisciplinary professional services to concerned international and local entities.

Our clients fall into four main categories, i.e. International Financial Institutions (IFIs), bilateral funding organisations, international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the Tanzania government. We have provided professional services to organisations such as the World Bank, European Union, The Danish aid organisation(DANIDA), SNV, Population Services International, UNDP, UNFPA and FAO and Governments such as the Tanzanian Government, the British Government through DFID and the Netherlands Government.

Contact us

Nelson Msuya

Nelson Msuya

Partner, PwC Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0) 22 219 2000

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